The Outcomes System: 3 Ways to Assess Learning
Learn how the Outcome System helps instructors assess their students on competency-based learning.
Learn how the Outcome System helps instructors assess their students on competency-based learning.
Did you know that Moodle™ provides teachers with the possibility of using filters to enhance the appearance of their courses?
At the beginning of the year I like to create a to-learn list that identifies items I want to study or research more throughout the year.
Badges are awarded based on set criteria and are then displayed on a user’s profile.
Discover how integrating Class Collaborate with your Moodle™-based LMS creates seamless learning experiences for students.
Determining group settings can affect how a non-editing teacher is able to view and interact with groups in a course ranging from seeing all students in a course to only viewing the students added to a particular group.
The Moodle™ Database activity module allows the teacher and/or students to build display and search a bank of record entries about any conceivable topic.
Have you ever wished to create learning objects in one place and use them in multiple online courses?
Ever wonder what the best way is to locate and update the files you share within your course resources and activities? Every user on a Moodle™ site including students has their own area to save files. By using the My private files area you save server space updating time and it helps you organize your files in one location.