Building professional development around Open LMS 2.6
Before joining the Learning Solutions team here at Open LMS , I worked as the Training and Development Coordinator for a Open LMS’ client.
Before joining the Learning Solutions team here at Open LMS , I worked as the Training and Development Coordinator for a Open LMS’ client.
As your Moodle™ use grows so does your population of users and with them the number of native languages.
The SCORM activity in Moodle™ allows users to upload content that follows the SCORM 1.2 specification.
Even if you have heard of Open LMS' Personalized Learning Designer (PLD), you may still not know what to do with this extremely versatile feature.
Do you know that Moodle™ and Joule are constantly collecting valuable course information to help you track engagement, interaction, submission, and other...
As educators, we know that communication is important in any learning environment, and that, in the online world, communication is critical to student...
Learn how the Outcome System helps instructors assess their students on competency-based learning.
Did you know that Moodle™ provides teachers with the possibility of using filters to enhance the appearance of their courses?
At the beginning of the year I like to create a to-learn list that identifies items I want to study or research more throughout the year.