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Joule winter release: Using and grading Moodle™ 2.3 assignments
Find out moreThe Moodle Assignment module has undergone major changes in the newest Joule release that includes core Moodle 2.3. Now instead of having four separate types of Assignment activities (Single File Upload Advanced Uploading of Files Online text and Offline) they are condensed into a single Assignment activity with the ability for instructors to define settings indicating the allowed submission types.
Five tips for using the new File Repository System in Moodle™
Find out moreMoodle™ 2 has introduced numerous enhancements in the past couple of years and one of the most relevant changes has happened in the file system. Files are now saved in repositories instead of being placed inside course or site files folders.
Best practices: Polling to promote student voice
Find out morePromoting student voice in the online environment increases engagement builds community and encourages ownership of the learning experience. Data-driven decisions based on feedback received allows for continuous improvement of course content and facilitation techniques.
Best practices: Five Moodle™ and Joule tools to aid in communication
Find out moreFor many online classes there is not a scheduled time for students and instructors to meet for synchronous interaction. Therefore communication with students is very important in an online classroom.
Best practices: Lowering the learning curve for new Moodle™ users.
Find out moreMoodle™ is the most widely-used Learning Management System in the world. With more than 63 million users and 70 thousand registered sites in over 200 countries Moodle™ gains hundreds of users every day and many of them are completely new to online learning.
Cattle Egrets and White Rhinos: Open LMS and the larger Moodle™ community
Find out moreBehold the mighty white rhino! And the cattle egret! What pages do they share in a story? They enjoy one of those relationships in nature usually called mutualism or symbiosis. We find the rhino grazing in the tundra and rivers humbly chewing its diet of leaves and grass. And that flash of white plumage on its back? Alas the loyal cattle egret.
Best practices: Creating a Moodle™ course to-do List
Find out moreDid you know that in Moodle™ you can create a course To-Do List for your students and customize how they experience a course based on conditions? You may have noticed some completion tracking options when adding resources and activities into courses but perhaps you’ve just glossed over them.
Best Practices: 30 Tips for Creating Quiz Questions in Your LMS
Find out moreDiscover 30 useful tips to design excellent assessment activities for your courses in your LMS.