Defeating the scroll of death
In a Moodle™ course the resources and activities can create a long course home page. If a course has many resources and activities the user will scroll endlessly to find content.
In a Moodle™ course the resources and activities can create a long course home page. If a course has many resources and activities the user will scroll endlessly to find content.
Aggregation is a term that is often times misunderstood in Moodle™. However with the knowledge of what aggregation is your student grades can accurately reflect what you have intended to calculate.
Joule’s 2012 Winter release included both updates to Joule and core Moodle™ 2.3.3. In today’s blog I’d like to share some of the most vital additions and deletions.
According to research students don’t classify a course as either “good” or “bad” based on instructor preparedness instructor organization or even the level of interaction within the course.
Designing and facilitating an online course that is both meaningful and enjoyable is quite a journey. Typically online courses come to fruition through one of two scenarios. Either one person is both the designer and the facilitator or separate individuals take on the design and facilitation responsibilities.
Moodle™ and Joule: Beyond the classroom is based on the social constructivist pedagogy founded on the ideal that a learning environment needs to be flexible and adaptable and that if we can come to understand others we can teach in a transformational way.
The much anticipated Moodle™ Core 2.2 rubrics will be available to Open LMS customers with the upcoming Summer 2012 release of Joule. Rubrics are a great tool for evaluating performance in any classroom. With this new release educators can quickly create a Moodle™ rubric with specific “criterion” and associated “levels” for evaluation.
Active participation is fundamental to learning. Discover how teachers can leverage eLearning tools to make online discussions more engaging for students.