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PebblePad for Open LMS

Online portfolio platform that empowers learners to capture, reflect on, and showcase their learning journeys
PebblePad for Open LMS
PebblePad for Open LMS

PebblePad is an ePortfolio platform that prepares students for success by providing a dedicated space to capture, reflect on, and showcase their learning experiences and achievements. Whether curricular or extracurricular activities, students can document their learning experiences in one place.

These experiences can then be transformed into evidence and used to build ePortfolios that showcase their learning journeys. By reflecting on these events and sharing them with their instructors, students and facilitators can collaboratively identify areas for growth and set future goals.

PebblePad Key Features

Collection and Curation

Collection and Curation

Learners gain access to templates for recording events, allowing them to capture their learning experiences in any setting. Institutions can also create customized workbooks to support learners through independent learning, off-campus experiences, or transitional periods, such as orientation programs.
Reflection and Assessment

Reflection and Assessment

Students can leverage prompts and frameworks to reflect on the impact of an activity, how it relates to other experiences, and its implications for their future learning journey. Additionally, the included self-assessment features—including rubrics and rating scales—allow students to evaluate their own progress against established criteria.


By using action plans, customized templates, and workbooks, students can identify their current status, set goals, and define steps to achieve them. Students can also track how their competencies, capabilities, and skills develop, and this information can be factored into assessment.
Real-Time Feedback

Real-Time Feedback

Instructors can monitor students' work unfolding in real time and provide timely, formative feedback at various points throughout ongoing tasks.
Alumni Support

Alumni Support

With PebblePad you can support students beyond graduation. Alumni and personal accounts allow graduates to retain access to their portfolios and continue tracking their professional development within the platform. This adds value for your students by providing them with a resource that can be presented to future employers.

Let Students Take Ownership of Their Learning Path

By integrating Open LMS and PebblePad you can empower learners to create dynamic ePortfolios that showcase their academic and professional journey, reflecting their continuous growth and success, and boosting their employability in today's competitive job market. Learn more by requesting a demo.