Streamline Your Compliance Training With the Open LMS Certification Feature

Slacking on certifications isn’t an option if you want your corporate organization to stay compliant with industry standards and government regulations. It’s crucial to help employees maintain up-to-date skills and knowledge of workplace protocols so they can ensure safety, keep your organization running smoothly, and maintain their credibility.

Despite their importance, it can be challenging to get your teams motivated to complete their certifications. That’s why the Open LMS Certification feature is designed to simplify the process for your employees and serve as a seamless solution for your compliance training needs.

Streamline Your Compliance Training With the Open LMS Certification Feature

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Meet Your Compliance Training Requirements With Validated Certifications

Once your learners successfully complete the courses in your training program, they become certified in that skill or competency. The Open LMS Certification feature lets you control how these compliance courses must be completed in order to obtain a certification. You could allow your employees to take program courses in any order or sequentially. You can also base completion of the certification on earning a set amount of points or finishing a certain amount of courses within the list of content in the certification program. Regardless, your learners will be certified after they complete all program requirements, ensuring they achieve your compliance training objectives.

Q2- Streamline Your Compliance Training With the Open LMS Certification Feature

Of course, very few skills and competencies are valid indefinitely. Updates to professional best practices and changing technology tools mean that your employees will need to recertify their skills eventually. That’s why you can create a validity period for your learners’ certifications when you’re creating your training program. You can decide how long certifications stay valid, what happens when certifications expire, and how your learners can recertify their skills at the end of their validity period. You can configure the recertification options for your learners after you create the initial certification program.

The system lets you create certificate templates from which all future certificates can be generated. These certificates can include static elements such as the certification name and URL, as well as dynamic elements, including the program completion, validity, and expiration dates. This saves you time and resources since you only have to design the certificate once.

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Assign Learners to Certification Programs With Ease

Q3- Streamline Your Compliance Training With the Open LMS Certification Feature

The Open LMS Certification feature lets you give your learners more control over their training programs. Your learners can search the certification catalog to find courses and certifications that are relevant to their roles or professional learning goals. You can make your certification programs visible in the catalog to all of your LMS users by clicking on the “Visibility settings'' tab (pictured above), clicking “Edit,” and setting the “Public” value to “Yes.” If you’d rather not make a program widely available, you can restrict access so only approved cohorts can view the program.

Q4 - Streamline Your Compliance Training With the Open LMS Certification Feature

Your users can self-enroll in a certification program if your system settings allow them to do so, and their courses will populate their learning dashboards. You can also configure your programs to require approvals before a learner can finish being enrolled. In this scenario, a learner selects a course from the certification catalog, and their selection triggers a notification request. An administrator then approves or denies the enrollment request.

If you prefer not to offer self-service compliance training, the certification catalog is an optional feature and can be disabled. You can manually assign learners to training programs or select cohorts for programs. When you assign a certification to a cohort, everyone in the cohort will automatically be enrolled in the certification program.

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Keep Your Organization On Track

You can easily stay on top of which learners have completed their training requirements with the Open LMS Certification feature, as it automatically sends reminders to learners who need to finish their compliance courses. These reminders encourage your employees to complete their certifications on time and reduce your risk of non-compliance.

Stop relying on manual processes to manage your compliance training—The Open LMS Certification feature makes it easy to stay organized and deploy training content, helping you develop a team that’s current on skills, prepared to work safely, and ready to take on whatever comes their way.

To learn more about the benefits the Open LMS Certification feature can bring to your organization, contact us today.
Tyra Crews
About the author
Tyra CrewsCustomer Solutions Architect, Open LMS

Tyra Crews is a Customer Solutions Architect at Open LMS. She has over 20 years of experience assisting clients with their software needs to ensure their learning and training programs continue to run smoothly. She holds a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Penn State University and resides in Pennsylvania.

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