How a Business LMS Can Help Create a Thriving Workplace Culture

An effective business LMS has the potential to increase employee motivation within your firm as it sparks a huge interest in eLearning programs which can support corporate unity, workplace confidence, and ultimately contributes to an improved organizational culture.

Why Is a Good Workplace Culture Important?

If you haven’t yet considered or established a strong workplace culture within your organization, now is the time to do it! The professional landscape continues to grow in its competitiveness, and employees want more than just a paycheck from the companies who employ them. An environment that fosters collaboration and supports team members throughout the entirety of the employee lifecycle is crucial to retaining your industry’s top talent and encouraging team members to reach and exceed goals.

And here's some good news: no matter how lacking a workplace culture might be, it can be transformed quickly and efficiently with engaging, dynamic, and convenient learning and development programs.

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Evaluating Your Company's Current Culture

Company culture includes everything from how day-to-day operations are managed to the flow of communication between employees as well as with leadership. But most importantly, company culture stems from your organization’s mission and the values that are most resonant in your teams, products, or services.

What kind of culture does your organization have? Are you focused on fun with more laid-back expectations or do you prefer a “work now, play later” approach? What’s expected for how employees should act and treat one another? How about your clients? What sort of team-building activities or initiatives are currently in place? As an employer, what additional value or sense of community are you providing for each team member? These kinds of questions will unravel the kind of workplace culture your firm has.

Employees may have mixed feelings toward their employers, and negative feelings toward a place of work aren’t uncommon. As active decision-makers, HR managers and L&D administrators can take a lead role in transforming company culture by providing education and resources that are relevant and engaging to each team member. Not only does this allow you to educate and instill in them your core company values, workplace practices, and expectations when it comes to workload, attendance, standard protocols, and even attitudes, but it connects learners across department levels and locations. Not only that, it positions an encompassing goal for the company as a whole to consistently work towards improving itself, with employees leading the charge.

It also offers the opportunity to collaborate with one another on team-building exercises and professional development. This consequently establishes and helps nurture your workplace culture.

By making resources for professional development and opportunities for collaboration easier using various forms of eLearning, you can more effectively empower your workforce. This can create happier, more productive and confident employees who understand and support your organization’s goals and actively contribute to a thriving company culture.

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Leveraging eLearning to Improve Company Culture

Encouraging employees (and employers) to regularly practice and emulate the elements that contribute to a positive company culture can be challenging, particularly during unexpected changes or busier or slower periods. However, by making resources for professional development and opportunities for collaboration easier using various forms of eLearning, you can more effectively empower your workforce. This can create happier, more productive and confident employees who understand and support your organization’s goals and actively contribute to a thriving company culture.

You might be wondering: "How exactly will digital L&D support company culture?" A learning management system (LMS) allows you to deliver convenient, accessible, and measurably beneficial L&D that connects and supports learners and helps contribute to your company’s culture. Employees will also no longer need to attend different training forums in varying locations. And with evidence of learning and success through digital certificates to reward and celebrate progress, your staff will reap value, which in turn cultivates a positive learning culture. These few key elements that help foster a thriving company culture can be rolled out seamlessly through the power of digital learning.

Foster Unity with Team-Building Activities and Projects

eLearning helps breaks down educational or physical barriers by disseminating information more efficiently. This is especially true for learning platforms like Open LMS WORK, and Totara LMS which are both flexible, mobile-friendly eLearning platforms. With the high level of mobility these solutions provide, you can effortlessly ensure that all employees “read from the same script” regarding organizational and training matters. As such, eLearning systems help to form a crucial sense of unity within an organization. With the use of team-building activities via forums, web conferencing, or other connective LMS tools, team members can more easily support one another across departments and locations both synchronously and asynchronously, creating a sense of community even in a remote work environment.

An effective LMS has the potential to increase employee motivation within your firm as it sparks interest in their own professional development. Receiving fundamental education and new skillsets or certifications empowers team members and encourages them to value their roles within your company, which in turn cultivates a positive learning culture.

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Improve Workplace Confidence

An effective LMS has the potential to increase employee motivation within your firm as it sparks interest in their own professional development. Receiving fundamental education and new skillsets or certifications empowers team members and encourages them to value their roles within your company, which in turn cultivates a positive learning culture.

A medium that promotes staff development, gives constructive feedback and healthy communication between teams supports a positive workplace culture where team members are constantly challenged and supported in achieving and exceeding professional goals.

Provide Engaging, Long-Term L&D

Employees dislike the feeling of being out of touch with company matters. Their lack of knowledge about specific policies and uncertainty of a company's behavioural needs will undoubtedly reduce workplace confidence. An efficient corporate LMS can help you alleviate this problem by providing necessary training to every one of your employees. Furthermore, an LMS allows you to diversify your training content and better reflect your company culture in your learning initiatives.

With the ability to gamify learning content, create simulations based on real-life situations, or provide the opportunity for mobile learning, you can better engage your constituents and position highly valuable L&D as part of your company culture.

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The Right LMS Can Transform Workplace Culture

Your LMS plays a key role in creating a positive workplace culture. Depending on the solution you choose, you can create more dynamic, scalable, and impactful learning and professional development that resonates with employees and encourages them to help support company culture. Some extra feature-centric benefits of the LMS include:

  • It makes it easy for high-level personnel to orient and induct new members of staff during orientation.
  • It offers a stable discussion forum for the entire workforce. This not only acts as a reliable feedback system but also as a grievance platform.
  • It streamlines the tracking of employee performance and participation by gauging their level of involvement towards the company and its culture.
  • The customized dashboards for quick communication and updates help to align employees with the company's goals and policies.

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Find the Right LMS Solution for Your Organization’s Needs

An LMS can provide your company with many high-end tools to shape its workplace culture. More specifically, with an open-source LMS, you can create a custom eLearning program that supports organizational growth and fosters long-term organizational unity.

We know how important it is to provide clients with a custom eLearning solution that supports organizational success in terms beyond just L&D and ROI, but by fostering a positive and thriving company culture. We take a fully-managed approach to eLearning, meaning that our team of eLearning experts will take care of every need related to your LMS, including implementation, integration, consultation, and management of your system.

Note: A version of this case study originally appeared on the eThink Education blog. eThink is now part of Open LMS and some details of the case study have been updated accordingly.

Learn more about our fully-managed eLearning solutions or request a demo to speak with one of our eLearning experts today.
Jeremy Schweitzer
About the author

Jeremy Schweitzer

Product Manager at Open LMS

Senior leader in education technology with a proven track record of supporting enterprise clients. My team develops and implements learning solutions that support organizations’ strategic goals. As a former systems administrator and instructional designer, my technical knowledge and people skills drive a systems approach when I conduct needs assessments and design solutions. My focus is building sustainable options for my clients that are adaptive to evolving needs and challenges. In my current role with Open LMS, I work with three learning management systems building solutions for clients in higher ed, non-profit, government, and corporate sectors.

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