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TeacherMatic for Open LMS

Embrace AI’s potential to boost the efficiency of professor workloads

TeacherMatic is an AI-powered tool designed to reduce professor workloads, allowing them to focus on what’s most important: their students. By inputting the desired topic, the app will generate lesson plans, quizzes, rubrics, and a wide range of other high-quality educational materials.

The tool uses advanced language processing algorithms to interpret user queries and was refined with feedback from over 300 professors during its development.

Thanks to the partnership between Open LMS and TeacherMatic, you can harness all the tool’s capabilities through our platform, allowing your educators to save significant time on research and design.

What Can TeacherMatic Do?

This tool offers over 70 AI-assisted generators, including:

AI Lesson Plans

AI Lesson Plans

Create comprehensive lesson plans that ensure a well-rounded educational approach based on professor-provided criteria.
AI Multiple Choice Quiz (MCQ) Maker

AI Multiple Choice Quiz (MCQ) Maker

Produce a set of multiple-choice questions to assess any topic. Questions can then be exported to an Open LMS compatible format or to external tools like Kahoot or Quizizz.
AI Rubrics Generator

AI Rubrics Generator

Simplify the process of creating grading criteria for assessments, saving time and effort.
Class Question Generator

Class Question Generator

Create a range of stimulating questions that prompt class discussion, encourage professor-student interaction, and enhance classroom dynamics.
Scheme of Work Generator

Scheme of Work Generator

Plan and organize your term and year-long plans with structured, coherent outlines that align with curriculum standards and pedagogical best practices.


Quickly generate clear and concise definitions for key terms, concepts, and jargon related to any specific topic.

Start Streamlining Your Educators’ Tasks!

TeacherMatic has already been successfully leveraged in a range of different educational settings. Please get in touch to explore the solution for yourself!