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K16 Solutions for Open LMS

Migrate Course Content to Open LMS. Archive Student Data on Scaffold.
K16 Solutions
K16 Solutions for Open LMS

K16 Solutions helps schools that use Blackboard, Brightspace, Sakai, and Canvas make the move to Open LMS. Through our partnership with K16 Solutions, Open LMS is able to make the LMS migration and onboarding process for new clients more seamless, eliminating some of the complexities that universities face when moving between LMS providers.

Rather than starting from scratch or being faced with expensive course migration options, Open LMS and K16 Solutions provide an affordable and streamlined solution for migrating new clients to Open LMS’s product portfolio, including Open LMS EDU, Open LMS WORK, and Totara Learn.

Migrate course content

Provide a fully integrated migration service that allows you to move online content from one LMS to another in real time, capturing details such as course structure, quizzes, tests, and even question pools. With the Scaffold platform, you can replace what used to be a manual, resource-intensive process with sophisticated but simple automation.

Archive student data

Course archiving on a legacy LMS platform is vastly overpriced. Cold storage of historical content is time-consuming and inefficient. With K16 Solutions, administrators can archive course content and student data on the Scaffold platform at a fraction of the price and access that data quickly and easily at any time. Institutions can finally retire their legacy LMS.

To see K16 Solutions, or any other Open LMS integration/extension, in action, please get in touch. We’d love to show you how the two technologies work together!